Tech Grant supports Sheveron Yearbook Instruction

Jason Merrill, a teacher at the VVS High School, has received a grant from the VVS Education Foundation.  Upon completing the application, Jason received funding for technology that would improve the student experience within his courses and clubs.  As Jason wrote to us:

“The Sheveron yearbook staff recently received a grant from the VVS Education Foundation. As enrollment in the class has grown over the past several years and the need for equipment has grown. The new camera will be used by students to photograph sporting events, concerts and other important VVS events. Photographs taken by yearbook staff also appear on other VVS publications like the high school CDEP report and district newsletter. Having enough cameras for staff is essential to learn camera setting, angles and other photography concepts.”

The Board is thrilled to be able to empower faculty within the district by funding effective, engaging and unique projects!  Kudos Jason, and we hope that other faculty and staff will apply soon.